
ZHAO Yijiao, WANG Yong. Current Status and Analysis of the Clinical Application of Digital Technology in Oral Medicine[J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2024, 55(1): 101-110. DOI: 10.12182/20240160301
Citation: ZHAO Yijiao, WANG Yong. Current Status and Analysis of the Clinical Application of Digital Technology in Oral Medicine[J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2024, 55(1): 101-110. DOI: 10.12182/20240160301

Current Status and Analysis of the Clinical Application of Digital Technology in Oral Medicine

  • With the increasing maturity and popularization of digital technology in oral medicine, its application has now expanded to various clinical subspecialties of oral medicine. Digitalization has become one of the important development directions of oral medicine. What is the current development status of digital technology in oral medicine? In what ways is digital technology applied across various clinical specialties of oral medicine? Dentists are particularly concerned about these issues in their clinical work and research. In this paper, all the digital technologies applied in oral medicine are organized and categorized from a technical perspective. In this paper, we focused on presenting three-dimensional data acquisition technology, dental computer-aided design technology, dental computer-aided processing technology, and oral surgery implementation technology. Their technical principles, technical characteristics, applications in oral medicine, a secondary discipline of medicine, and the development status of domestically-developed technology are described and reviewed in detail. The other technologies such as oral digital materials, oral virtual simulation teaching, and oral multi-source data management are briefly discussed. We intend to provide references for dentists to apply digital technology in clinical practice and research.
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  • Copyright ©2024 Editorial Board of Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences) cc

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