
ZHANG Guang-li, WANG Chong-jie, PENG Shuai, et al. The Effect of Interventional Treatment with Bronchoscopy in 10 Children with Acquired Subglottic Stenosis[J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2022, 53(1): 166-170. DOI: 10.12182/20220160109
Citation: ZHANG Guang-li, WANG Chong-jie, PENG Shuai, et al. The Effect of Interventional Treatment with Bronchoscopy in 10 Children with Acquired Subglottic Stenosis[J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2022, 53(1): 166-170. DOI: 10.12182/20220160109

The Effect of Interventional Treatment with Bronchoscopy in 10 Children with Acquired Subglottic Stenosis

  •   Objective  To explore the effects of interventional therapy with bronchoscopy in children with acquired subglottic stenosis (SGS).
      Methods  The clinical data of ten pediatric inpatients with acquired SGS who were admitted to Children’s Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, as well as their follow-up information obtained 1 week, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months after the procedure was done.were retrospectively analyzed to examine the effect of interventional bronchoscopic therapies, including balloon dilatation, holmium laser, and cryotherapy, in pediatric patients with acquired SGS.
      Results  Among the 10 patients with acquired SGS, there were 5 boys and 5 girls aged between 1 month and 6 years and 5 months, with a median age of 11 months and 1 day. Among the 5 patients with acute acquired SGS, two were treated with balloon dilatation only, with one cured and one showing clinical improvement, while three received comprehensive interventional therapy combining balloon dilatation, holmium laser, and cryotherapy, with two cured and one showing improvement. Among the 5 patients with chronic acquired SGS, four cases were cured with comprehensive interventional therapy, while one case suffered from aggravated upper airway obstruction 4+ hours after balloon dilatation. The patient was subsequently put on invasive mechanical ventilation for 4 days, but was unable to be extubated. The parents signed do-not-resuscitate order and the patient died afterwards. Bronchoscopy performed 1 week, 1 month and 3 months after the procedure was done showed that the SGS was improved to varying degrees.
      Conclusion  Bronchoscopy intervention is an effective therapy for acquired SGS in children.
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