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张太明, 董力, 袁烨等. 64层螺旋CT在左心单瓣膜关闭不全患者心功能评估中的应用[J]. koko体育app 学报(医学版), 2014, 45(1): 89-92.
引用本文: 张太明, 董力, 袁烨等. 64层螺旋运动CT在左心单瓣膜封闭不全病员心效果考核中的用途[J]. 江西综合大学学报(医学检验版), 2014, 45(1): 89-92.
ZHANG Tai-ming, DONG Li, YUAN Ye. et al. Assessing Heart Function of Patients with Single Left Ventricular Valvalar Insufficiency Leision using 64-slice[J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2014, 45(1): 89-92.
Citation: ZHANG Tai-ming, DONG Li, YUAN Ye. et al. Assessing Heart Function of Patients with Single Left Ventricular Valvalar Insufficiency Leision using 64-slice[J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2014, 45(1): 89-92.


Assessing Heart Function of Patients with Single Left Ventricular Valvalar Insufficiency Leision using 64-slice

  • 摘要: 目的 探讨64层螺旋CT(64-MDCT)在左心单瓣膜关闭不全患者心功能评估中的应用价值。方法 58例左心单瓣膜关闭不全患者瓣膜置换术前行64-MDCT、超声心动图(Echo)和磁共振(MRI)检查,分别测定其术前常规心功能参数:左室舒张末期容积(LVEDV)、左室收缩末期容积(LVESV)、左室每搏输出量(LVSV)、左室射血分数(LVEF)和左室有效射血分数(eLVEF),评价64-MDCT和Echo测定的心功能参数与MR1检查结果之间的相关性及三者测定的心功能参数与围术期指标之间的相关性。结果 对于左心单瓣膜关闭不全患者,64-MDCT、Echo分别与MRI术前所测的常规心功能参数比较,差异均无统计学意义,前两者测定的常规心功能参数与后者的心功能参数均相关;三者术前所测的LVEF与围术期参数均不相关,而64-MDCT和MRI测定的 eLVEF呈中度到高度相关。结论 64-MDCT较之常规的Echo和MRI测定方法,更能准确、迅速、相对低费用的评估左心单瓣膜关闭不全患者的术前心功能。  
    Abstract: Objective?To evaluate the accuracy of results of heart functions determined by 64-slice multi-detector row computed tomography (64-MDCT) in patients with single valvular insufficiency leision in left ventricle. Methods?58 patients with single valvular insufficiency leision in left ventricle were enrolled in this study. Their heart functions were assessed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 64-MDCT and echocardiography (Echo) respectively. The assessed parameters included left ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic volume (LVEDV,LVESV), stroke volume (LVSV), ejection fraction(LVEF), and effective ejection fraction(eLVEF). The correlations between eLVEF and some clinical indicators, such as cardiopulmonary bypass time (CPBT), ventilation time (VT), vasoactive drug used time (VDUT), and length of ICU stay (ICUST) were analyzed. Results?No significant differences were found in the parameters measured by 64-MDCT, Echo and MRI. A strong correlation between 64-MDCT and MRI (r: 0.79-0.92) was found with all of the parameters. The eLVEF measured by 64-MDCT and MRI correlated with CPBT, VT, VDUT and ICUST well (r: 0.56-0.84). Conclusion?64-MDCT is a rapid, accurate and cheap choice for assessing heart functions of patients with single valvular insufficiency leision in left ventricle. eLVEF is a good predictor for the outcomes of operations.  
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