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肖欢, 潘卫民, 王超群等. B7-H4对Con A诱导小鼠肝损伤保护作用的实验研究[J]. koko体育app 学报(医学版), 2015, 46(6): 842-845.
引用本文: 肖欢, 潘卫民, 王简直无敌等. B7-H4对Con A诱骗小鼠肝断裂自我保护用的实践研究分析[J]. 河南本科大学学报(分子生物学版), 2015, 46(6): 842-845.
XIAO Huan, PAN Wei-min, WANG Chao-qun. et al. The Protective Effect of B7-H4 on Concanavalin A Induced Hepatic Injury in Mice[J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2015, 46(6): 842-845.
Citation: XIAO Huan, PAN Wei-min, WANG Chao-qun. et al. The Protective Effect of B7-H4 on Concanavalin A Induced Hepatic Injury in Mice[J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2015, 46(6): 842-845.

B7-H4对Con A诱导小鼠肝损伤保护作用的实验研究

The Protective Effect of B7-H4 on Concanavalin A Induced Hepatic Injury in Mice

  • 摘要: 目的 探讨B7-H4对免疫性损伤肝脏的保护作用及其机制。方法 将KM小鼠分为4组(每组15只):生理盐水组(A组)、pcDNA3.1-mB7-H4-Fc组(B组)、pcDNA3.1组(C组)和刀豆球蛋白A(Con A)组(D组)。B组、C组和D组动物均通过尾静脉注射Con A 25 mg/kg制备肝损伤模型。在Con A注射前1 d,分别给予B组每只小鼠注射pcDNA3.1-mB7-H4-Fc 100 μg和C组每只小鼠注射pcDNA3.1 100 μg。并于注射Con A后12 h、24 h和48 h,各组取5只小鼠,摘眼球取血,分离血清行白介素-4(IL-4)、γ-干扰素(IFN-γ)、谷丙转氨酶(ALT)和谷草转氨酶(AST)浓度的测定;引颈处死小鼠后取肝脏,用于组织病理学检测。结果 小鼠血清IL-4、IFN-γ、ALT和AST水平在注射Con A后各时点,B、C和D三组较A组均有升高( P<0.05),但B组较C组和D组减低, B组与C组间差异有统计学意义( P<0.01)。小鼠肝组织切片经HE染色,光学显微镜下可见,B组小鼠肝脏损伤均比C组和D组有不同程度的减轻。结论 初步证实了B7-H4对Con A诱导的肝脏免疫性损伤具有保护作用。B7-H4可能是通过抑制IL-4和IFN-γ的产生和/或分泌而发挥对肝脏保护的作用。  
    Abstract: Objective To investigate the alteration of renal microcirculation perfusion during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) in adult patients with contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEU). Methods Six patients undergoing cardiac surgery with CPB and twelve patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery were enrolled and classified into CPB group and control group. CEU images of kidney were collected at the point of 30 min after CPB or 5 min after anesthesia induction respectively. Time intensity curve (TIC) was derived from three regions of interest (ROI): superficial cortex, deep cortex and medulla. Parameters including wash in slope ( α ), area under curve (AUC), peak intensity (PI) and time to peak (TTP) were calculated based on gamma-variant function. Results CEU showed a significant reduction of AUC in all three regions (superficial cortex, deep cortex and medulla) during CPB, compared with anesthetic condition. Ultrasound contrast agent-related adverse reactions were not occurred in all enrolled patients. Conclusion Renal microcirculation perfusion was dramatically reduced during CPB, especially in the medulla. CEU could be detected the renal microcirculation perfusion in the perioperative period of cardiac surgery.  
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