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代华, 陈立宇, 李双庆. 2008年成都地区2型糖尿病及糖调节受损的现患率和饮食相关危险因素的研究[J]. koko体育app 学报(医学版), 2014, 45(1): 79-83.
引用本文: 代华, 陈立宇, 李双庆. 200七年武汉地域2型血糖值高的及糖调高损害的现患率和饮食疗法有关隐患因素分析的学习[J]. 上海综合大学学报(医学检验版), 2014, 45(1): 79-83.
DAI Hua, CHEN Li-yu, LI Shuang-qing. Prevalence of Dibetes and Impaired Glucose Regulation in Chengdu Populations and Associated Dietary Risk Factors[J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2014, 45(1): 79-83.
Citation: DAI Hua, CHEN Li-yu, LI Shuang-qing. Prevalence of Dibetes and Impaired Glucose Regulation in Chengdu Populations and Associated Dietary Risk Factors[J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2014, 45(1): 79-83.


Prevalence of Dibetes and Impaired Glucose Regulation in Chengdu Populations and Associated Dietary Risk Factors

  • 摘要: 目的 对成都地区常住人群进行2型糖尿病(DM)及糖调节受损(IGR)发病相关的流行病学调查,了解成都地区居民2型DM及IGR的发病率,并探讨影响其发病的饮食相关危险因素。方法 以2008年成都市两社区常住居民为调查对象,检测调查人群空腹血糖(FBG)和餐后2 h血糖(2 hGlu),并根据检测结果将人群分为正常组、IGR组和DM组。采用问卷调查方式获得被调查人群每日进食的种类和质量,计算热卡摄入量、食物成分的比例、每日电解质、维生素和微量元素的摄入量,并分析与DM及IGR的相关性。结果 2008年成都地区DM和IGR现患率分别为18.59%和24.22%;DM组热卡,食物脂肪、蛋白比例,钠摄入量高于正常组,而纤维素、食物碳水化合物比例、铁、锌、硒、锰的摄入量和维生素C、E摄入量低于正常组,差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05);IGR组热卡、钠摄入量高于正常组,而纤维素、锌、 硒、锰的摄入量和维生素C、E摄入量低于正常组,差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。食物脂肪比例是影响DM的独立危险因素(OR=1.609)。维生素E是DM及IGR的独立保护因素(OR=0.733,0.990)。结论 成都地区2型DM及IGR的现患率高于四川乃至全国其他地区平均水平。本地区糖尿病防治工作应重点关注长期脂餐和维生素E摄入不足的高危人群。  
    Abstract: Objective?To determine the prevalence of type 2 DM and impaired glucose regulation (IGR) in Chengdu populations and to identify dietary risk factors associated with DM and IGR. Methods?Two communities in Chengdu were selected for this study. Fasting blood-glucose (FBG) and 2-hour post-meal blood glucose (2 hGlu) tests were performed in the community residents. The participants were asked to complete a questionair recording their daily food intaking. The total calorie of food, percentage of different kinds of food, and intake of electrolyte, vietamine and micro minerals were calculated and compared between those with and without type 2 DM or IGR. Results?Of the study participants, 18.59% had type 2 DM and 24.22% had IGR. Those with DM had higher levels of intake of calorie,fat,protein and sodium,and lower levels of intake of cellulose, carbohydrates,Iron,zinc,selenium,manganese and vietamine C and E compared with those without DM/IGR (P<0.05). The participants with IGR had higher levels of intake of calorie and sodium and lower levels of intake of cellulose, zinc, selenium, manganese and vitamine C and E compared with those without DM/IGR (P<0.05).Percentage of dietary fat was identified as an independent risk factor of type 2 DM (OR=1.609); whearaus Vitamine E was identified as a protective factor of type 2 DM (OR=0.733) and IGR (OR=0.990). Conclusion?Chengdu has a higher than national average prevalence of type 2 DM and IGR. The high percentage of dietary fat and low levels of Vitamine E are major risk factors of type 2 DM and IGR.  
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