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卓瑜, 孙瑜, 严凯, 等. 华西心晴指数在抑郁症住院患者高自杀风险评估中的预测作用[J]. koko体育app 学报(医学版), 2024, 55(3): 739-743. DOI:
引用本文: 卓瑜, 孙瑜, 严凯, 等. 华西心晴指数在抑郁症住院患者高自杀风险评估中的预测作用[J]. koko体育app 学报(医学版), 2024, 55(3): 739-743. DOI:
ZHUO Yu, SUN Yu, YAN Kai, et al. Predictive Value of the Huaxi Emotional Index in Assessing and Identifying High Suicide Risk Among Inpatients With Depression[J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2024, 55(3): 739-743. DOI:
Citation: 𝕴 ZHUO Yu, SUN Yu, YAN Kai, et al. Predictive Value of the Huaxi Emotional Index in Assessing and Identifying High Suicide Risk Among Inpatients With Depression[J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2024, 55(3): 739-743. DOI:


Predictive Value of the Huaxi Emotional Index in Assessing and Identifying High Suicide Risk Among Inpatients With Depression

  • 摘要:
    目的 比较华西心晴指数(HEI)和护士用自杀风险评估量表(NGASR)在高自杀风险评估中的一致性,探讨HEI在抑郁症患者高自杀风险中的预测价值。
    方法 本研究为横断面研究设计,采用便利抽样,纳入2023年6−12月koko体育app 华西医院心理卫生中心386名抑郁症住院患者。纳入标准:根据国际疾病分类第十次修订版(ICD-10)确诊为抑郁症,年龄在18岁以上,完成了NGASR和HEI问卷评估。排除标准:合并其他精神疾病的患者;存在严重认知障碍,无法进行有效沟通的患者。自编问卷收集年龄、性别、民族、婚姻状况和教育水平等人口学资料,同时采用HEI问卷和护士用自杀风险评估表对患者进行评估。采用Spearman进行相关分析,对两个工具进行Kappa一致性检验,采用受试者工作特征曲线评估HEI评分预测自杀高风险的性能,根据Youden指数确定HEI分数的最佳截断值。
    结果 本次研究共纳入386名抑郁症住院患者,平均年龄32岁,平均住院14 d。其中,女性252人(65.3%),男性134人(34.7%);89.4%为汉族,7.3%为藏族,其他少数民族占3.3%;51.3%的患者为已婚,41.2%未婚,其余为离异(6.5%)或丧偶(1.0%);26.2%的研究对象具有本科及以上文化程度,20.7%为大专文化程度,24.8%为高中或者中专文化程度,28.2%为初中及以下文化程度。386例抑郁症患者中,采用NGASR评估,高度自杀风险检出率为57.3%,采用HEI评估,重度情绪不良检出率为53.6%。HEI和NGASR评分一致性Kappa值为0.518(P<0.001),具有中度一致性。HEI评分筛查自杀高风险的ROC曲线下面积为0.829(95%可信区间:0.787~0.871), 在HEI评分达17分时,Youden指数最大为0.52,预测自杀高风险(NGASR≥9分)的特异性为76.36%,敏感性为76.02%。
    结论 HEI和NGASR在抑郁症患者高自杀风险评估中具有中度的一致性,HEI能有效预测抑郁症患者自杀高风险,17分为HEI评估高自杀风险的最佳截断值。
    Objective This study aims to investigate the agreement between the Huaxi Emotional Index (HEI) and the Nurses’ Global Assessment of Suicide Risk (NGASR) in assessing high suicide risk and to explore the predictive value of HEI in identifying high suicide risk among patients with depression.
    Methods  Convenience sampling was used and 386 inpatients with depression were included in this cross-sectional study. All patients were admitted to the Mental Health Center, West China Hospital between June and December 2023. The inclusion criteria were as follows, a diagnosis of depression according to the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10), age over 18, and completion of both NGASR and HEI assessments. According to the exclusion criteria, depression patients who had other comorbid mental disorders or those who had severe cognitive impairments and were unable to communicate effectively were excluded. The study was approved by the Biomedical Ethics Review Committee of West China Hospital (Approval No. 647, 2021). Demographic data such as age, sex, ethnicity, marital status, and educational attainment were collected using a self-designed questionnaire. Both the HEI and NGASR were applied to evaluate the patients. We conducted statistical analyses with SPSS 27, employing Spearman’s rank correlation for correlation analysis, Kappa tests for consistency between the two instruments, and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for evaluating the predictive performance of HEI scores for high suicide risk, with the optimal HEI cutoff value determined on the basis of the Youden Index.
    Results The study included 386 depression inpatients with an average age of 32 years and an average length-of-stay of 14 days. Of these participants, 252 were female (65.3%) and 134 were male (34.7%). Regarding ethnicity, most of the participants were Han Chinese (89.4%), Tibetans accounted for 7.3%, and other minorities, 3.3%. Regarding marital status, 51.3% of the participants were married, 41.2% single, 6.5% divorced, and 1.0% widowed. Regarding educational attainment, 26.2% had an undergraduate or graduate education, 20.7% had junior college education, 24.8% had high school or secondary technical school education, and 28.2% had middle school education or less. The NGASR identified 57.3% of the participants as being at high suicide risk, while the HEI identified 53.6% as having severe emotional distress. There was a moderate agreement between the HEI and the NGASR scores, with a Kappa value of 0.518 (P<0.001), indicating statistically significant differences. At an HEI score of 17, the Youden Index peaked at 0.52, predicting high suicide risk with a specificity of 76.36%, a sensitivity of 76.02%, and an area under the ROC curve of 0.829 (95% CI: 0.787-0.871), demonstrating statistically significant differences.
    Conclusion HEI and NGASR demonstrate moderate agreement in assessing high suicide risk among depression patients. The HEI questionnaire effectively predicts high suicide risk in patients with depression, with 17 being the optimal cutoff value for assessing high suicide risk.


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