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谭裕奇, 叶铮, 李函宇, 等. 中国医学影像技术从业人员现状和需求调查研究[J]. koko体育app 学报(医学版), 2024, 55(3): 612-618. DOI:
引用本文: 谭裕奇, 叶铮, 李函宇, 等. 中国医学影像技术从业人员现状和需求调查研究[J]. koko体育app 学报(医学版), 2024, 55(3): 612-618. DOI:
TAN Yuqi, YE Zheng, LI Hanyu, et al. A Survey of the Current Status and the Needs of Medical Imaging Technicians in China[J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2024, 55(3): 612-618. DOI:
Citation: 𓂃 TAN Yuqi, YE Zheng, LI Hanyu, et al. A Survey of the Current Status and the Needs of Medical Imaging Technicians in China[J]. Journal ☂of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2024, 55(3): 612-618. DOI:


A Survey of the Current Status and the Needs of Medical Imaging Technicians in China

  • 摘要:
    目的  调查我国二级及以上医院放射科医学影像技术从业人员的现状和需求,为医学影像技术行业的发展和卫生行政部门相关决策的制定提供参考依据。
    方法  采用中华医学会影像技术分会制定的调查表,由各医院放射科推荐一位影像技师填写线上问卷。填写内容包括:医院基本信息、本院医学影像技术从业人员基本情况、日常工作、发展与晋升、科研现状及需求等。使用Mann-Whitney U检验比较技师配置人数上的差异,使用卡方检验比较不同地区或不同等级医院在需求选取人数上的差异。
    结果  本调查获取了全国31个省份总计5403家医院的有效问卷,其中影像技师人数共计67481人,各医院放射科技师配置人数为〔中位数(四分位间距)〕9(5,16)人;男女比例为1.41∶1;20~40岁占比77.5%;博士、硕士、本科、专科、中专及以下所占比例分别为:0.6%、3.3%、60.7%、30.8%、4.6%;主任技师、副主任技师、主管技师、技师、技士及以下所占比例分别为:1.0%、4.2%、22.1%、51.8%、20.9%;影像技师整体的职业满意度较好;“与外界学习交流机会少”是影像技师工作能力提升遇到的主要问题。近5年内,59.2%的受访者未发表过学术论文,以第一作者在科学引文索引(SCI)收录期刊发表论文的技师仅占7.0%。
    结论  我国医学影像技术从业人员平均年龄较为年轻,且从业人数大大增加,现阶段应重视影像技术的人才培养和继续教育,并进一步加强学科建设,为我国医学影像技术行业的发展提供有力的支持。
    Objective To investigate the status quo and the needs of medical imaging technicians (MITs) in the radiology department of secondary and tertiary hospitals in China, so as to provide references and support for the development of the medical imaging technology industry and the relevant policymaking by health administrative departments.
    Methods The questionnaire was developed by the Chinese Society of Imaging Technology. The radiology department of each hospital involved in the survey recommended one MIT to fill out the online questionnaire. The contents included: (a) the basic information of the hospital; (b) a general overview of the MITs in the hospital; (c) daily work; (d) career development and promotion; (e) research status and needs, etc. Differences in the number of MIT staff were compared using the Mann-Whitney U test and the chi-square test was used to compare the differences in the selected numbers of MITs in need between regions or between different levels of hospitals.
    Results In this investigation, valid questionnaires were finally obtained from a total of 5403 hospitals in 31 provinces in China. The total number of MITs of the hospitals covered in the sample was 67481. The number of MITs in each hospital was 9 (5, 16). The male-to-female ratio was 1.41:1. MITs who were 20 to 40 years old accounted for 78%. The proportions of MITs who had completed doctorate, master’s, undergraduate, junior college, and technical secondary school or lower level education were 0.6%, 3.3%, 60.7%, 30.8%, and 4.55%, respectively. The proportions of chief MITs, deputy chief MITs, supervisor MITs, primary MITs, assistant technician and those below were 1.0%, 4.21%, 22.1%, 51.8%, and 20.9%, respectively. The overall professional satisfaction of MITs was good. "Lack of opportunities for learning and communication" was quoted as the main problem MITs encountered in regard to improving their job-related competency. 59.2% of the respondents had not published any academic papers in the past five years, and only 7.0% of the respondents had published in journals included in the Science Citation Index (SCI) in the past five years.
    Conclusion MITs in China are on average relatively young and the number of MITs has greatly increased. At this stage, more attention should be given to the cultivation of talents and continuing education of MITs and the construction of the discipline should be further strengthened, so as to provide strong support for the development of the medical imaging technology industry in China.


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