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徐若诗, 盛睿, 代蕊, 等. 动物模型实训在口腔医学研究生临床前技能教学的应用初探[J]. koko体育app 学报(医学版), 2023, 54(3): 522-526. DOI:
引用本文: 徐若诗, 盛睿, 代蕊, 等. 动物模型实训在口腔医学研究生临床前技能教学的应用初探[J]. koko体育app 学报(医学版), 2023, 54(3): 522-526. DOI:
XU Ruo-shi, SHENG Rui, DAI Rui, et al. Application of Animal Model Training in Preclinical Skills Teaching for Graduate Students of Dentistry[J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2023, 54(3): 522-526. DOI:
Citation: 💃 XU Ruo-shi, SHENG Rui, DAI Rui, et al. Application of Animal Model Training in Preclinical Skills Teaching for Graduate Students of Dentistry[J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2023, 54(3): 522-526. DOI:


Application of Animal Model Training in Preclinical Skills Teaching for Graduate Students of Dentistry

  • 摘要:
      目的  探讨动物模型实训对提升口腔医学研究生综合临床能力的潜在应用价值,为临床前技能教学新方式提供参考。
      方法  40名口腔医学研究生平均分成两组,对照组进行常规仿头模右下颌第一磨牙根管治疗教学课程,实验组进行动物模型右下颌第一磨牙根管治疗教学课程。课程结束后,带教老师就学生心理素质、医患沟通、诊疗逻辑、操作速度、方案设计5个方面进行综合评分,并采用问卷调查了解学生对动物模型实训的态度和评价。
      结果  实验组学生心理素质(0.430±0.024 vs. 0.115±0.036)、医患沟通(0.878±0.065 vs. 0.115±0.036)、诊疗逻辑(0.630±0.066 vs. 0.372±0.033)、操作速度(0.8975±0.019 vs. 0.055±0.080)以及方案设计(0.539±0.036 vs. 0.396±0.017)得分均明显高于对照组(P<0.0001);实验组总得分(3.374±0.184)明显高于对照组(1.053±0.082),差异有统计意义(P<0.0001); 95%对照组和100%实验组学生愿意参加动物模型实训来提高自己牙体牙髓病诊疗水平,差异无统计学意义(χ2=1.026,P=0.3112);实验组30%的学生认为心理素质得到锻炼,50%的学生认为操作技能得到提升,20%的学生认为动物模型实训拓展了理论知识。
      结论  增设动物模型实训可促进口腔医学研究生心理、沟通、逻辑、速度和设计临床综合能力,并帮助学生提前熟悉基础研究动物实验操作,收获双重专业技能。
      Objective  To explore the potential application value of animal model training in improving the comprehensive clinical ability of postgraduate students of dentistry and to provide reference for new methods of preclinical skills teaching.
      Methods  A total of 40 postgraduate students of dentistry were assigned to two groups, an experimental group and a control group. The control group took the routine teaching course on root canal treatment for the right mandibular first molar, using a simulated model of human head. The experimental group also took a teaching course on root canal therapy for the right mandibular first molar, but an animal model was used for the group. After the course was completed, the instructor conducted comprehensive evaluation of the students' psychological quality, patient communication skills, diagnosis and treatment logic, speed of performing procedures, and treatment plan design. A questionnaire survey was conducted to examine the students' attitudes toward and evaluation of animal model training.
      Results  The scores for psychological quality (0.430±0.024 vs. 0.115±0.036), patient communication skills (0.878±0.065 vs. 0.115±0.036), diagnosis and treatment logic (0.630±0.066 vs. 0.372±0.033), speed of performing procedures (0.8975±0.019 vs. 0.055±0.080), and treatment plan design (0.539±0.036 vs. 0.396±0.017) of the experimental group were significantly higher than those of the control group (P<0.0001). The total score of the experimental group (3.374±0.184) was significantly higher than that of the control group (1.053±0.082) and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.001). 95% of the students in the control group and 100% of those in the experimental group were willing to participate in animal model training to improve their level of diagnosis and treatment skills for dental and endodontic diseases, showing no statistically significant difference (χ2=1.026, P=0.3112). In the experimental group, 30% of the students believed that their psychological qualities had been improved, 50% believed that their procedure skills had been improved, and 20% believed that animal model training had expanded the scope of their theoretical knowledge.
      Conclusion  Adding animal model training can improve dentistry graduate students' comprehensive abilities, including their psychological quality, patient communication skills, diagnosis and treatment logic, speed of performing procedures, and treatment plan design. In addition, it helps students familiarize themselves in advance with animal experimental operations for basic research, thus helping them acquire dual professional skills.


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