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王丽娃, 张莎, 王林洋, 等. 新疆鼠尾草花提取物对变异链球菌的抑制活性研究[J]. koko体育app 学报(医学版), 2023, 54(3): 539-544. DOI:
引用本文: 王丽娃, 张莎, 王林洋, 等. 新疆鼠尾草花提取物对变异链球菌的抑制活性研究[J]. koko体育app 学报(医学版), 2023, 54(3): 539-544. DOI:
WANG Li-wa, ZHANG Sha, WANG Lin-yang, et al. Inhibitory Activity of Flower Extracts from Salvia deserta Schang on Streptococcus mutans[J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2023, 54(3): 539-544. DOI:
Citation: WANG Li-wa, ZHANG Sha, WANG Lin-yang, et al. Inhibitory Activity of Flower Extracts from Salvia deserta Schang on Streptococcus mutans༒[J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2023, 54(3): 539-544. DOI:


Inhibitory Activity of Flower Extracts from Salvia deserta Schang on Streptococcus mutans

  • 摘要:
      目的  研究新疆鼠尾草花提取物(Salvia deserta Schang flower extracts, SFE)对变异链球菌(Streptococcus mutans, S. mutans)的体外抑菌活性。
      方法  通过琼脂打孔法和微量稀释法测定SFE对S. mutans浮游菌的抑菌作用及对其生长过程的影响;结晶紫染色法和MTT还原试验测定SFE对S. mutans生物膜的影响;蒽酮-硫酸法测定SFE对细菌生物膜产胞外多糖(exopolysaccharides, EPS)量的影响;乳酸脱氢酶(lactate dehydrogenase, LDH)比色法测定S. mutans的胞内LDH活性;采用pH计测定SFE对S. mutans产酸能力的影响。
      结果  SFE对S. mutans的最小抑菌浓度(minimum inhibitory concentration, MIC)为14 μg/μL,1/8 MIC到MIC浓度的SFE在30 h内均能抑制S. mutans的生长速度,且与对照组相比能显著抑制其LDH活性(P<0.0001),4 MIC到1/4 MIC浓度的SFE对S. mutans终产酸量有显著抑制作用(P<0.001),并且能有效抑制S. mutans生物膜的形成,同时能使生物膜产生的EPS量明显减少(P<0.01)。
      结论  SFE能有效抑制S. mutans及其生物膜活性,初步探讨其抑制机制为:通过减少细菌EPS的产量来干扰微生物的粘附和聚集,从而抑制细菌生物膜的形成;通过降低细菌LDH活性来干扰S. mutans的糖酵解,从而抑制S. mutans产酸。
      Objective  To examine the in vitro inhibitory effect of flower extracts from Salvia deserta Schang (SFE) on Streptococcu smutans (S. mutans).
      Methods  The inhibitory effect of SFE on planktonic S. mutans and the effect of SFE on the growth process of planktonic S. mutans were determined by the agar drilling method and the microdilution method. Crystal violet staining and MTT reduction assay were conducted to determine the effect of SFE on S. mutans biofilm formation. The effect of SFE on the production of exopolysaccharides (EPS) in S. mutans biofilm was determined by anthrone-sulfuric acid method. The intracellular lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity in S. mutans was determined by LDH colorimetric assay. The effects of SFE on the acid-producing capacity of S. mutans was determined by pH meter.
      Results  The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of SFE against S. mutans was 14 μg/μL. SFE of the the concentration between 1/8 MIC and MIC could inhibit the growth rate of S. mutans within 30 h and it could significantly inhibit the LDH activity compared with the control group (P<0.0001). SFE of the concentration between 4 MIC and 1/4 MIC had an inhibitory effect on the acid production of S. mutans (P<0.001). Moreover, it could effectively restrain the formation of S. mutans biofilm and significantly reduce the amount of EPS produced by biofilm (P<0.01).
      Conclusion  SFE can effectively inhibit the activity of S. mutans and its biofilm. The mechanism of inhibiting S. mutans by SFE was preliminarily discussed as follows, it interferes with microbial adhesion and aggregation by reducing the production of bacterial EPS, thus inhibiting the formation of bacterial biofilms. In addition, it interferes with glycolysis of S. mutans by reducing the LDH activity of bacteria, thus inhibiting the acid production of S. mutans.


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