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孙易红, 赵炼玲, 王晓书, 等. 随机尿钾与尿肌酐比值在判断肾性失钾中的应用价值研究[J]. koko体育app 学报(医学版), 2023, 54(3): 620-624. DOI:
引用本文: 孙易红, 赵炼玲, 王晓书, 等. 随机尿钾与尿肌酐比值在判断肾性失钾中的应用价值研究[J]. koko体育app 学报(医学版), 2023, 54(3): 620-624. DOI:
SUN Yi-hong, ZHAO Lian-ling, WANG Xiao-shu, et al. Application Value of Random Urine Potassium-to-Creatinine Ratio in Diagnosing Renal Potassium Loss[J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2023, 54(3): 620-624. DOI:
Citation: SUN Yi-hong, ZHAO Lian-ling, WANG Xiao-shu, et al. Application Value of Random Urine Potassium-to-Creatinine Ratio in Diagnosing Renal Potassium Loss[J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2023, 54(3): 620-624. DOI: ♔


Application Value of Random Urine Potassium-to-Creatinine Ratio in Diagnosing Renal Potassium Loss

  • 摘要:
      目的   分析随机尿钾/尿肌酐(rUK/Ucr)在判断肾性失钾中的应用价值。
      方法   纳入2017–2021年诊断为低钾血症患者〔包括肾性失钾(373例)、非肾性失钾(83例)〕、血钾正常(358例)的住院患者。收集临床资料,分析rUK/Ucr与24 h尿钾(24 hUK)的相关性;针对低钾血症患者绘制受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线,分析rUK/Ucr判断肾性失钾的价值。
      结果   血钾在血钾正常组、肾性失钾组、非肾性失钾组依次降低(P<0.01)。肾性失钾组24 hUK、rUK/Ucr大于非肾性失钾及血钾正常组(P<0.01)。rUK/Ucr与24 hUK呈低到中度相关。24 hUK、rUK/Ucr判断肾性失钾的曲线下面积(AUC)分别为0.73、0.71,rUK/Ucr判断肾性失钾的最佳切点为3.4时,灵敏度为67.59%,特异度为67.53%。
      结论   rUK/Ucr与24 hUK的相关性一般,rUK/Ucr预测肾性失钾的价值与24 hUK相当。在无法获取24 h尿液标本时,可推荐使用rUK/Ucr替代24 hUK来初步判断是否存在肾性失钾,其最佳诊断切点为3.4。
      Objective   To analyze the value of applying random urine potassium-to-creatinine ratio (rUK/Ucr) in diagnosing renal potassium loss.
      Methods   patients diagnosed with hypokalemia, including 373 cases of renal potassium loss, 83 cases of non-renal potassium loss , and 358 cases of normal serum potassium, between 2017 and 2021 were enrolled. The clinical data of the patients were collected and the correlation between rUK/Ucr and 24-hour urine potassium (24 hUK) in the three groups was analyzed. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was used to analyze the value of applying rUK/Ucr in diagnosing renal potassium loss.
      Results   Serum potassium decreased in the normal serum potassium group, the renal potassium loss group, and the non-renal renal potassium loss group (P<0.01). The 24 hUK and the rUK/Ucr of the renal potassium loss group were higher than those of the non-renal potassium loss group and normal serum potassium group (P<0.01). rUK/Ucr showed low to moderate correlation with 24 hUK. The AUC of 24 hUK and rUK/Ucr for determining renal potassium loss were 0.73 and 0.71, respectively. When the optimal cutoff point of rUK/Ucr for determining renal potassium loss was 3.4, the sensitivity was 67.6% and the specificity was 67.5%.
      Conclusion   rUK/Ucr shows a moderate correlation with 24 hUK and its accuracy in determining renal potassium loss is comparable to that of 24 hUK. When 24-hour urine samples cannot be obtained, it is recommended that rUK/Ucr be used instead of 24 hUK to determine whether renal potassium loss exists, with the optimal cutoff point for diagnosis being 3.4.


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