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田学文, 陈婵, 王雄. tau蛋白在PS19转基因小鼠中诱导异常的选择性剪切变化[J]. koko体育app 学报(医学版), 2023, 54(5): 874-883. DOI:
引用本文: 田学文, 陈婵, 王雄. tau蛋白在PS19转基因小鼠中诱导异常的选择性剪切变化[J]. koko体育app 学报(医学版), 2023, 54(5): 874-883. DOI:
TIAN Xuewen, CHEN Chan, WANG Xiong. Tau Protein Induces Aberrant Alternative Splicing Changes in PS19 Transgenic Mice[J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2023, 54(5): 874-883. DOI:
Citation: ♔ TIAN Xuewen, CHEN Chan, WANG Xiong. Tau Protein Induces Aberrant Alternative Splicing Changes in PS19 Transgenic Mice[J]. Journal of Sichuan University (Medical Sciences), 2023, 54(5): 874-883. DOI:


Tau Protein Induces Aberrant Alternative Splicing Changes in PS19 Transgenic Mice

  • 摘要:
      目的  通过大数据分析6月龄PS19小鼠体内异常选择性剪切(AS)事件是否在tauP301S诱导的神经退行性表型之前出现。
      方法  采用axel从ENA数据库下载GSE182170数据集原始测序文件,通过STAR软件与ENSEMBL数据库参考基因组进行比对,rMATS和rmats2sashimiplot R包进行常见AS事件分析和结果可视化展示。RSEM软件进行基因转录本定量,Deseq2、edgeR、limma R包进行差异分析,采用clusterProfiler R包对差异基因进行GO富集分析。String和Cytoscape软件用来进行蛋白质间相互作用分析。采用ggcorrplt R包进行基因表达相关性分析。PCR结合琼脂糖电泳验证AS事件。
      结果  通过rMATS鉴定出了8079个AS事件,并最终筛选出117个显著AS事件(ΔPSI>0.1,测序覆盖度>1)。外显子跳跃(SE)是最常见的AS事件(50.43%),其次是外显子3'端可变剪切(A3SS)和外显子互斥(MXE)。GO富集分析发现,突触组织基因发生异常SE事件,而剪切体基因主要发生异常A3SS事件。蛋白相互作用和相关性分析发现Snrpn剪切因子与最多数量的转录本表达显著相关。琼脂糖电泳证实PS19小鼠中Lrp8基因的异常AS事件。
      结论  异常的剪切因子可能参与了tauP301S引起的异常AS改变。本研究扩展了tau蛋白病中tau蛋白循环和剪切因子的知识。
      Objective  To explore through big data analysis whether aberrant alternative splicing (AS) events precede tauP301S-induced neurodegenerative phenotype in 6-month-old PS19 mice.
      Methods  The original sequencing files of the GSE182170 dataset was downloaded from the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) database with axel, aligned to the reference genome of the ENSEMBL database by using STAR software, and common AS event analysis and visualization were performed with rMATS and rmats2sashimiplot R packages. RSEM software was utilized for gene transcript quantification, Deseq2, edgeR, and limma R packages were used for differential expression analysis, and clusterProfiler R package was applied for GO enrichment analysis. String and Cytoscape were used for protein-protein interaction (PPI) analysis. Gene expression correlation analysis was performed with ggcorrplot R package. AS events were validated using PCR followed by agarose electrophoresis.
      Results  A total of 8 079 AS events were identified with rMATS and 117 significant AS events (ΔPSI>0.1, sequencing coverage >1) were selected eventually. The most frequent type of AS event was skipped exon (SE) (50.43%), followed by alternative 3' splice site (A3SS) and mutually exclusive exons (MXE). GO enrichment analysis revealed that synapse organization genes were aberrantly spliced in SE events and spliceosome genes were spliced in A3SS events. PPI and correlation analyses showed that the splicing factor Snrpn was significantly associated with the largest number of transcripts. Agarose electrophoresis confirmed the aberrant AS event of the Lrp8 gene in PS19 mice.
      Conclusion  Dysregulated splicing factors may contribute to tauP301S-induced aberrant AS changes. The study also increases the understanding of the cycling of tau protein and splicing factors in tauopathies.


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